D. J. Barton Associates Limited
The design of both private and adoptable roads and sewers for residential and commercial developments to meet the adoption standards of the highway and drainage authorities, and in compliance with Planning and Building Regulations requirements, which may include for the following:
Highways Design:
- Design and detail of new roads to the satisfaction of the local Highway Authority for adoption under a Section 38 agreement.
- Design and detail of Section 278 works (works within existing highway) to the satisfaction of the local Highway Authority.
- Design and detail of roundabouts and junctions.
Drainage Design:
Design and detail of main foul and surface water sewers for adoption by the relevant water authority which may include for the following:
- Adoptable attenuation areas, e.g. detention basins, underground storage structures etc.
- Flow control structures, incorporating vortex flow control devices, weirs, or orifice plates as appropriate.
- Headwall structures.
- Pumping stations for adoption.
- Adoptable infiltration basins or soakaways.
Private drainage design in compliance with Building Regulations and Planning Requirements, including the requirements of the LLFA (Lead Local Flood Authority), this may include:
- Drainage Strategies.
- Soakaway design in compliance with BRE Digest 365.
- SUDs (Sustainable Urban Drainage) design in compliance with the latest standards,
- Storage attenuation design, either above or below ground.
- Flow control design.
- Permeable paving design.
Flood Risk Assessments and Drainage Feasibility
- Site specific Flood Risk Assessments to satisfy planning and LLFA (Lead Local Flood Authority) requirements.
- Preliminary designs to determine the most practical and economic solution in respect of draining both foul and surface water. e.g. by gravity, by pumping, infiltration, and taking SUDs requirements into consideration.